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FEBRUARY 2020                                     TIOGA COUNTY COMMUNITY PRESS                                                      PAGE 12

              Fisher Nominated for Chairman of ICBA
                                                   Tioga  State  Bank  announced  that                                       OPEN 7 DAYS
                                             President  and  CEO  Robert  M.  Fisher                                             A WEEK
                                             was nominated for the national position
                                             of  Chairman-elect  for  the  2020-2021                                      Gift Certificates Available
                                             Independent  Community  Bankers  of
                                                                                                                               Case Discounts
                                             America®  (ICBA)  board  of  directors.   Sweeneys Plaza, Rt 434, Apalachin      on non-sale wines
                                             ICBA’s  board  of  directors  will  vote  on
                                             the  nominations  during  the  2020  ICBA
                                             national     convention,    ICBA              Tequila Rose  750 ml. Gift Pack    $27.99
                                             LIVE®, which will be held March 8 to
                                             March 12 in Orlando.
                                                  Fisher has been involved in ICBA for                   Luca Captain Belle
                                             more than eleven years. “I am pleased to         Finger Lakes Blush 750 ml.    $8.99
                                             continue my service to ICBA and advo-
                                             cate  for  community  banking  in  our  na-         White Cat Sangria  3 L.  $22.99
                                             tion. As community bankers we are ded-
                                             icated to serving our local communities,   Jelly Bean Moscato Rose 750 ml.                   $9.99
                                             and  the  support  of  ICBA  is  critical  to

                               Learn about Trusts
             You are probably familiar with wills,   fer?
         Health Care Proxies, and Powers of At-       A presentation will be held on Tues-
         torney.  But what about trusts?     day, February 11, from 9:00 to 11:00 am
             Join Tioga Opportunities for a presen-  at the Countryside Community Center, 9
         tation  about  trusts.  Attorney  Greg  S.   Sheldon Guile Boulevard in Owego; and
         Catarella  from  Catarella  Law,  will  pro-  on  Tuesday,  February  18,  from  9:00  to
         vide  information  about  this  important   11:00  am  at  the  Village  Municipal
         aspect  of  estate  planning,  addressing   Building, 9 Park Street in Newark Val-
         such  questions  as:    What  are  trusts?    ley.
         How  do  trusts  work  and  when  might  I        Space is limited for this presentation,
         need  one?    Can  I  use  a  trust  to  protect   so  call  687-4120,  ext.  331  to  reserve
         my assets?  How do trusts and wills dif-  your seat.  Informational packets will be
                     “Powerful Tools for Caregivers”

              Are you a caregiver for a loved one?         Six  Thursdays,  February  6  through
         Make a positive difference in your life.    March 12, 5:00 to 7:30 pm at Tioga Op-
         Join  Tioga  Opportunities,  Inc.  for   portunities, Inc.’s  Countryside Commu-
         “Powerful  Tools  for  Caregivers,”  an   nity Center, 9 Sheldon Guile Boulevard
         educational  program  designed  to  em-  in Owego.
         power caregivers. You can benefit from        Six  Fridays,  February  7  through
         this  class  whether  you  are  caring  for  a   March 13, from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm at
         parent,  spouse,  friend,  etc.  You  will   Tioga Opportunities, Inc.’s Nichols site
         learn  skills  to  reduce  stress,  communi-  at 139 Roki Boulevard.
         cate  effectively,  help  you  relax,  reduce        There  is  no  cost  to  attend  this  pro-     www.NikosAutoDetailing.COM
         guilt and anger, and more.          gram.  Participants  receive  the  course
              Two class sessions are available:   book for free. Call 687-4120, ext. 331 to

                                          1429 Main Street, Apalachin, N. Y.

                    Call Earl for an appointment 625-3015
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